Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Buon Viaggio!

As scenes from Audrey Hepburn’s Roman Holiday played on the TV, as Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra’s melodies sang in the background, and as the aroma of Italian cuisine filled the room, my house was also full with the love and laughter of friends for my “Birthday Buon Viaggio” on Wednesday night.

Menu: Bruschetta, Shrimp Mushroom Alfredo, Strawberry-Walnut-Feta Salad, Bread

Grace made a wonderful dinner and my delicious birthday cake - Chocolate Pound Cake!

The Lord has blessed Meg and me with the sweetest friends. Having these girls in our lives has been another way God has shown His love for us. They have genuinely cared about us, prayed for us, laughed with us, cried with us, and encouraged us. We are so thankful for them. We all missed Meg since she was celebrating her birthday as a “Berliner,” but she had a wonderful day.

(Ellen, Caroline, Grace, Sarah, Kelly, T Ball, Alice, Laura, Jessica, and Lauren)

My Italian-themed birthday dinner was perfetto! Grazie, sweet friends, for making my birthday special. I love you all and will miss you.

"I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because of all the things, none is greater or better than friendship."
-Pietro Aretino, Italian author

1 comment:

  1. i wish i could have been there!! we DO have the best friends ever! the pictures are SO CUTE!
